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Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Bluetooth Handsfree Profile Support for Windows Mobile 5 - The Series (Part 1)

Bluetooth Handsfree Profile Support for Windows Mobile 5 - Part 1

Have you ever run into the question of what mechanisms are there for supporting Bluetooth on your WM5 device? What has Microsoft provided to extend the Handsfree profile functionality? How can I use the Audio Gateway?

Very good questions. In this series of articles about Bluetooth support, I'm going to try to fill in the holes. This series is geared towards developers who have experimented with the Audio Gateway and are scratching their heads as to how to get into this "black box".

Microsoft supports Bluetooth with an architecture known as the "Audio Gateway." It consists of the core itself, the Services interface, AT Command Extension Module, Phone Extension Module, and Network Component. All of these components interact with the Core that signals the Bluetooth stack of commands and state changes. To read up on the Audio Gateway architecture, trickle into the MSDN website and search for "Bluetooth Audio Gateway."

Now, as a developer, you're wondering, "How do I get into this darn thing and make it do what I want it to do?"

There are a few ways to interact with the Audio Gateway (which I'll refer to as the "AG").

Firstly, from a services standpoint, Services.exe and the underlying layer of IOCTL calls the core support call enumerations to control the AG. I've listed the constants below. They are also in the .h file. The constants are pretty self-explanatory, so I won't go into much detail about them. Basically, there is the AG service, which we can start, stop and refresh. If the service has started and a Bluetooth device has been paired with the WM5 device, a service level connection must be established with the device as to signal different commands via AT Commands (to be discussed later), which we can start and stop as well. On top of that, the AG can route audio to the Bluetooth headset.

// You can find these within service.h

#define IOCTL_AG_OPEN_AUDIO 0x01
#define IOCTL_AG_SET_MIC_VOL 0x05
#define IOCTL_AG_GET_MIC_VOL 0x07

So, by simply calling these defines within a IOCTL call, you'll be able to achieve basic services support. Note that some defines require you to pass in values. I don't want to go into too much detail about this, since we're just scratching the surface, and I'm hoping as the reader you're asking yourself, "When does the fun really start?"

HANDLE msAGHandle = ::CreateFile( L"BAG0:", 0, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 );
// log something with GetLastError();

BOOL result = ::DeviceIoControl( msAGHandle, IOCTL_SERVICE_STOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
if ( FALSE == result )
// log something

::CloseHandle( msAGHandle );

Aside from the services layer, it has been hypothesized (however not actually confirmed by me) that we can replace the AT Command Extension Module to override the AG core of AT command reception and AT command processing. What happens in the AG core, once paired and a service level connection has been established, is if an AT command is received, the core will first "ask" the AT Command Extension Module if it would like to handle this command. If the AT Command Extension Module wishes to handle the command, it returns, from the interface call, "true", otherwise "false" to signal that the core does its own processing.

So how do you replace the AT Command Extension Module?

Easy. There are two ways to replace this module. In the Windows directory of your WM5 device, a file called "btagext.dll" exposes an interface (interface description to come) which the core dynamically links to. You can replace this file with your own file to override the AT command processing. Replacing the file can get a little messy if one doesn't have the proper access rights to overwrite Windows dlls.

Another way is to edit the registry so that the AT Command Extension Module path points to your dll. First, copy your AT Command Extension DLL onto the device, edit the registry path "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Bluetooth\\AudioGateway\\BTAGExtModule" with your DLL path, restart the device or restart the AG service and... Voila!

So what does your custom AT Command Extension Module have to override?

The "btagext.dll" exposes these commands:
typedef DWORD (*PFN_SendATCommand) (LPSTR szCommand, DWORD cbCommand);
BOOL BthAGATHandler(LPSTR szCommand, DWORD cbCommand);
void BthAGATSetCallback(PFN_SendATCommand pfn);
DWORD BthAGOnVoiceTag(BOOL fOn);

I leave it up to you to explore how you can replace the AT Command Extension Module. Take a look at the MSDN Website for further details about these methods. Since we are supporting the Handsfree profile, search the Bluetooth website for the .pdf file for a list of AT commands to support... Or stay tuned for a description of these AT commands.

OK, now for the really fun stuff.

I know some of you are in the same boat as I was, saying to yourself, "I've paired and authenticated with the device, so how do I use the AG to route audio? I can route audio via the IOCTL calls but I can't do any other in-call processing. Some libraries offered in WinCE are not exposed to me, e.g. the Network component (for network signalling), so I can't signal different in-call states."

Personally, I've never gotten around to using the AG service, since specific libraries in the WM5 PPC and Smartphone SDK weren't included in my version and, simply put, I had no mechanism to control the AG service besides the service component via IOCTL calls.

What to do, what to do?! Hey lets build our own Audio Gateway! Yeah! That'll be fun!

To be continued....

Hello Quan Nguyen,

I want to post one TAPI 2.0 related query to you, but as I am not getting any other way to reach I am posting it here.

I am trying to implement 3 way cell conference, I almost did it but problem is to check whether it is supported (enabled) by TSP or not.
I did check it same with lineGetCallStatus() and lineGetAddressCaps() but it doesn't give proper values into appropriate fields. Is there any way to check service availability of cell conference before adding the call to cellconference.

any help would be helpful to me, as I stuck here and it creates problem with behavior where cell conference is not enabled by TSP.
Hi Paresh,
There should be a way to query the line capabilities...
Try using TSPI_lineGetDevCaps or methods related to tapi to get the line device capabilities...

Hope that helps

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The article "Bluetooth Handsfree Profile Support for Windows Mobile 5 - The Series (Part 1)" provides a detailed and engaging overview of the technology, aimed at both beginners and tech enthusiasts. It uses clear and understandable language, engaging writing style, and practical applications to demonstrate how to implement it in real-life scenarios. Visual aids like diagrams and screenshots enhance understanding. Future expansions and interactive elements could keep the content relevant. The article encourages readers to look forward to Part 2, providing more insightful content on the topic. Overall, it offers a comprehensive view of Bluetooth Handsfree Profile Support in Windows Mobile 5.
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This is a well-written and informative article about the Bluetooth Handsfree Profile support for Windows Mobile 5. It's evident that the author has done thorough research on the topic and provides valuable insights for readers.

The handsfree feature is an essential aspect of any mobile device, and having proper support for it on Windows Mobile 5 is crucial. This article does an excellent job of explaining what the Handsfree Profile is, how it works, and the benefits it brings to Windows Mobile 5 users.

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The review of "Bluetooth Handsfree Profile Support for Windows Mobile 5 - The Series (Part 1)" applauds its comprehensive exploration of Bluetooth technology on Windows Mobile 5. The article's detailed insights into the Handsfree Profile support are commended for their depth and clarity. The review appreciates the structured series format, making complex technical information accessible for readers. The practical applications and potential benefits discussed enhance the article's relevance for tech enthusiasts and professionals. In summary, a positively reviewed Part 1 that sets the stage for an informative series on Bluetooth technology for Windows Mobile 5. divorce lawyers richmond va

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The review provides a detailed analysis of the Bluetooth Handsfree Profile support for Windows Mobile 5 - The Series, highlighting its features, functionality, and compatibility. It emphasizes the seamless integration of the profile, enhancing user experience by allowing hands-free communication and device control. The review also discusses the ease of setup and configuration, allowing users to quickly connect their devices and enjoy the convenience of hands-free communication. The review is informative and well-researched, addressing potential issues and limitations. Overall, the review offers valuable insights into the Bluetooth Handsfree Profile support for Windows Mobile 5 - The Series, offering a comprehensive overview of its features, functionality, and ease of use, making it a must-read for users seeking a hands-free communication solution.
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Bluetooth Handsfree Profile Support for Windows Mobile 5 - The Series (Part 1)" offers a comprehensive exploration of Bluetooth capabilities in Windows Mobile 5 devices. In just four lines, it sets the stage for an informative series, catering to tech enthusiasts seeking in-depth knowledge and troubleshooting tips. This concise introduction promises valuable insights into maximizing hands-free functionality on mobile devices, making it a must-read for Windows Mobile users.abogado dui henrico va
Bluetooth Handsfree Profile Support for Windows Mobile 5 - The Series (Part 1) provides an in-depth exploration of how Bluetooth handsfree technology can be seamlessly integrated with Windows Mobile 5 devices. The article delves into the technical aspects of Bluetooth profiles, focusing on the handsfree profile (HFP) and its role in enabling wireless communication between mobile devices and Bluetooth headsets or car kits. Offering detailed insights into setup and configuration, it serves as a valuable guide for users seeking to enhance their mobile experience with handsfree capabilities.
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